Screen Printing

Precision Wine Co: Navigator

Behind The Bottle

Navigator started as a paper label, containing a portion of the nautical map, horizon, and the ship. Through an existing glass supplier-client relationship and loyalty to that partnership, Precision Wine Co. was willing to let Bergin sample their Navigator Cabernet Sauvignon package.

The entire Navigator line has been extremely successful ever since its arrival at Bevmo!. What started as a single varietal project, has now grown to an eight label portfolio in screen print. Besides screen printing, Bergin has also etched large format Cabernet Sauvignon bottles for Precision.


  • Screen Printing


Design Details

All of Navigator’s red varietals use a similar layout for the map while swapping out metallic and precious metal colors. We love alternating metallic and precious materials to differentiate varietals within the same family. Navigator uses every precious metal ink we offer: gold, platinum, and copper. Only a few can say they have true 22 Karat gold on their label!

screen print wine label for Precision Wine Co: Navigator

Let's Get Technical

As soon as we saw the paper label, we knew this design would lend well to a 360° wrap. Typically, when the design feels organic, it wraps naturally and is easier to work with. The red varietals all follow a similar design template as far as the map wrap goes. The Sauvignon Blanc and Rosé labels both use the transparency of the glass to their advantage; magnifying the ship, the compass, and details of the map once filled with liquid. This design treatment adds movement to the bottle that would otherwise look rather flat on the shelf.

Precision Wine Co: Navigator - Wine bottle packaging
Precision Wine Co: Navigator - Wine bottle screen printing
Precision Wine Co: Navigator - Glass Bottle Screen Printing
Precision Wine Co: Navigator - Cost of screen printing bottles

Project Showcase

Timeless work
that speaks
for itself.
wine bottle screen printing and etching in Napa California
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